Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis or RO is by far the most common man made method of purifying water on earth. It involves passing water at high pressure through a plastic membrane with tiny holes in it. Most minerals and chemicals are too large to pass through the membrane and remain behind, resulting in the formation of largely mineral-free, chemical-free and pathogen-free water.

The design of most RO units includes a way of back flushing the membranes constantly to hopefully prevent excessive buildup of solid matter on the plastic membrane. This is important or the membrane would be destroyed quickly. The membrane usually lasts about a year, at which time the water quality deteriorates and the membrane must be replaced.
Gases such as chlorine can pass through the membrane. For this reason, most reverse osmosis units also contain pre- and post-filters. The pre-filter extends the life of the membrane by removing larger particles and certain chemicals. The carbon post-filter further purifies the water, removing chlorine and other gases that may pass through the filter.
RO is the most commonly used method of producing pure water on the planet earth. It is used in almost all home and commercial “drinking water” machines such as those in water stores, supermarkets and health food stores. It is also used industrially in bottling plants for soda pop, soups, juices, beer and many other drinks. It is also used on all ships, some aircraft, and in many other applications. It is cheaper than distillation.
Advantages of reverse osmosis water. These include its low level of toxic metals, toxic chemicals and pathogens, and its low cost.
Disadvantages of reverse osmosis water. Unfortunately, RO water has many disadvantages:
1. RO water, in general, does not hydrate they body well. This is the worst aspect. It is unfortunate, but we see it over and over again. The plastic membrane must damage the water in some subtle way that I do not understand.
2. A residue from the plastic membrane seems to find its way into the water, and then into the body. This is a consistent finding in everyone who drinks RO water. So it adds a new toxin to the body, even though the water is quite pure in other ways.
3. The water is extremely yin in Chinese medical terms. This seems to occur because it lacks minerals and because it is contaminated with plastic from the RO membrane. The yin quality is extremely harmful and must be avoided.
4. There is no simple way to test the quality of the water. As the plastic RO membrane and pre-and post-filters age in a reverse osmosis machine, the water quality declines. A simple total dissolved solids or TDS meter may not detect chemical contamination.
5. Carbon and other filters in RO systems can become contaminated with bacteria and viruses easily. Manufacturers suggest replacing the carbon filters at specific intervals or after a certain number of gallons have been produced. However these are just averages. Other than taste, it is most difficult to assess the cleanliness of the carbon filters.
6. Reverse osmosis water is severely mineral deficient and has an acidic pH. As with distilled water, it does not supply the body with needed trace minerals, and it may have a mild chelating effect. This means that it may remove some vital minerals from the body. The acidic pH is a slight problem.
7. RO wastes a lot of water that must be used to back flush the system. It also causes pollution because the plastic membranes do not biodegrade quickly. The polycarbonate plastics degrade slowly in the landfills. Filled with toxic substances, they represent a source of long-term pollution. Extremely high temperature incineration, which is gaining in popularity, is the best form of disposal of the membranes that I am aware of.
Summary. Reverse osmosis, sadly, is not good for drinking for most people, in my clinical experience. In fact, it is terrible. It does not matter if someone has added minerals back to it, or boiled, or done other things to it like praying over it or “energizing” it in any way that I have seen, so far. These things cannot undo the damage to the water that occurs due to passing it through the plastic membrane. Please avoid all water made this way for best hydration.
Very few people know which minerals they need to add. Commercial preparations such as electrolyte solutions often do not contain optimal mineral levels for each person.
Adding salt or sea salt to water may detoxify the body a little, but is a dangerous practice, long term, because the high sodium content can unbalance the minerals in the body by competing with other mineral absorption.
Most mineral preparations are not pure enough and many, such as coral calcium, can contain some toxic minerals as well.
Reverse osmosis water, in particular, is extremely “hungry” and adding minerals to it will cause them to be absorbed into the water easily, and then cause them to be absorbed into the body cells quickly and thoroughly. This is good if the minerals are pure, but most are not pure enough, no matter what they say on the bottle. As a result, the person is slowly but surely poisoned by toxic minerals.
I find it best to obtain minerals primarily from cooked vegetables. Other mineral supplements that are excellent are kelp, 10-12 ounces of carrot juice, or a fresh green juice mixed with it, a quality sea salt in your food, but not in your water, and dried vegetable capsules like Juice Plus and other vegetable capsules.
However, I do not like many green powders and super-foods that contain a lot of spirulina, blue-green algae and chlorella, as these appear to be somewhat toxic and are often chelators. Barley grass and wheatgrass, although not as good dried as fresh, also seem to be excellent sources of minerals. Another good one are raw dairy products (but only raw dairy or organic dairy, which is not as good, but better than the other pasteurized dairy products).
Designer waters such as I-water, Pentwater, SmartWater and others. These are often made from reverse osmosis water, which does not hydrate the body well. It does not seem to matter what they do to the RO water. It still does not hydrate well. Most of these waters have added minerals. Not only does this not correct the problems of reverse osmosis, but the minerals will often unbalance the body, if they are even absorbed. These waters are overpriced, do not hydrate the body well, and so far none that I have seen are nearly as healthful as a good quality spring water or even plain tap water.
Summary of Waters to Avoid
Trinity Water, as it is much too high in fluoride.
All “drinking water” and “purified water” including Aqua Fina and Dasani. Do not be fooled by fancy sounding names or fancy bottling. These are just filtered tap water or water produced by reverse osmosis.
Some Alkaline waters made by cheap Korean units (you get what you pay for) This includes the Jupiter, I-water, and many others.
Distilled water, after 3 months of drinking it. Too much distilled water will demineralize the body.
Water from water machines found at supermarkets, for example.
Water from water stores. This is always made with reverse osmosis, in my experience.
Well water, in many cases.
Tap water, unless filtered with carbon only. Tap water is not ideal, but it often will hydrate the body. If it is all you can afford, preferably at least use a Britta or other simple carbon filter and change the filter about once a month.
Multiple stage filters in most cases. Beware that some multi-stage home and industrial water filters use reverse osmosis or other types of filtering methods that damage the water severely. Carbon is safe, however.
Other “Designer” waters. These include Penta Water, Vitamin Water, Smart Water and others.
Other cautions about water
Always read labels carefully to see if bottled water is actually spring water or just filtered tap water. Also, some "distilled" water says in fine print "made with reverse osmosis". Stay away in this case.
I do not believe most people need to pay extra for water that has been altered by adding ozone, special minerals, prayers or by other processions. Many of these are available today. Some are obviously better than others, and there are too many to comment upon. Most begin with tap water and use reverse osmosis to filter the water. This is not good.
The amount of water is as important as the quality of water. However, more of a poor quality water will actually do more damage. Children need less water depending on their size, but all need to drink water, not other other beverages only such as milk, juices, soups, etc. Here are the basic rules we suggest for adults.
The first choice is to drink a quality spring water that you have near by you. Or you could have it delivered, or you buy it in the supermarket. The problem with bottled spring water is that ionized and alkaline properties are not present any more as the oxygen, light, and movement are making the spring water dead in hours/days!
The second best choice after a local real spring is the medical grade Kangen Water Machine by Enagic.
Third choice, not quite as good, is often to drink a good CARBON filtered tap water better than Brita if possible (make sure you clean it well before using it as carbon debris are actually adding carbon in your body).
Most adults need about three quarts or more of drinking water per day. More is needed in hot weather, dry weather and if one is more physically active or weighs over 250 pounds. Drinking more water is not necessary or healthful.
As part of one's water intake, one may have up to two or even three cups of mild, caffeine-free teas and one cup of green or black tea. Preferably do not add honey, sugar, agave syrup, cream, lemon, caffine or other things to your tea. These will alter the quality of the water somewhat. This is why many books state clearly not to use anything but pure water.
Avoid drinking soda pop, fruit juices, too much vegetable juice, more than about 6 ounces of any kind of milk, and avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages. If you have some, this should not be counted as part of your water intake. In fact, eating or drinking anything containing sugar, caffeine and alcohol definitely tends to dehydrate the body.
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